Community Alliance for Better Government Proposed 2023 Goals for Evanston City Council
Establish a plan to eliminate structural racism within Evanston City Government
Create an Equity Indicators Dashboard for Evanston, preferably in consultation with the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance
Conduct a racial equity audit of COE using an outside organization with racial equity expertise, e.g.: Race Forward, GARE, Race Matters Institute, Converge, Disruptive Equity Education Project, Partners for Collaborative Change,
Fully implement the recommendations of the Black Employees group and the Prescott Salvatore report on the lifeguard scandal
Re-examine and consider implementing the summer 2020 EFBL action plan to shift the budget to reduce spending on police and increase spending on social services and mental health
Outsource HR to a respected, independent firm to eliminate systemic inequities, nepotism and inconsistent practices.
Establish a plan to increase the number of city staff living in Evanston to 50% within 10 years
Prioritize hiring of current or former Evanston residents
Incentivize moving to Evanston for all senior management positions and police
Improve transparency and communication with the public
Adapt the Draft Municipal Public Participation Ordinance for Evanston
Implement report back and response mechanism for issues raised in public comment
Reduce the number of closed executive sessions to only those required by law. Require all Council members, Mayor and City manager received training on the Ope Meetings Act.
Require all council members to hold ward meetings
Require departments to demonstrate a threshold of community participation and buy-in before launching major projects
Implement an expectation of staff respect for, and openness to the public.
Finances and Economic Development
Implement 10 year clawbacks and community benefits agreements as part of all major development contracts
Negotiate with Northwestern over property taxes on rental property and payments in lieu of taxes
Launch a public plan for spending ARPA funds
Provide consistent accountability over public funds, especially any surplus funds and debt
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Invest in deeper level collaboration with District 65 and 202
Increase staff participation in the International City/County Management Association, the Government Alliance on Race and Equity and the Illinois Municipal League
Look to best practices recommendations in creating policies from these organizations
Affordable, Livable Housing
Increase and preserve the stock of affordable housing to meet the existing need.
Revise and strengthen the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
Provide funding and staff resources to enforce the newly strengthened fair housing ordinance
Fully fund an equitable and strong rental housing inspection program